The 1960s

Change was a constant now. Stanley McCormick Hall made possible a women's community of size and strength, and women began to change the voice of MIT.
In 1963, ProfessorEmily Wick '51 (Left, at McCormick Hall) became the first women to come up through the ranks and receive tenure. She was appointed Associate Dean of Student Affairs soon after and was asked to run a "women's program". She was ably assisted by Dorothy (Dotty) Bowe HM AMITA.

In 1964, the Association of Women Students, headed by Margaret MacVicar '65, sponsored a national symposium "American Women in Science and Engineering". Carol Gustafsen Van Aken '65 was the chairman and MITWA, faculty members and Dean Jacqueline Mattfield provided support.
MITWA became AMITA in 1964

By 1968, all intramurals, not just sailing and fencing, were open to women. Because women students had no physical education requirement, they had lowest priority for use of the athletic facilities. The crew team could only use the wherries from 6-8 am.
Professor Margaret L. A. MacVicar '65 (Right) launched the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) in 1968. For the first time anywhere, undergraduates could participate in research with a faculty member or research staff of a particular company.
A women's newspaper, Sojourner, started as a student activity.
Linda Greiner Sprague '60, Management, was the first woman chairman of the Tech newspaper
Maria Kivisild Ogrydzyk '69, Architecture, became the first woman president of the Undergraduate Association. and a member of the Athletic Association in 1968. Her daughter Julia '96 would be an AMITA Scholastic award winner.

Shirley A. Jackson '68 Physics (left), AMITA Scholastic award winner, and Jennifer N. Rudd '68, Biology, were two of the first African American women to receive SBs from MIT
Karen Wattel Arenson '70 was managing editor of the Tech. She became a member of the New York Times and was President of the Alumni/ae Association in 1995.